When I was in my early 20s and attending college in Madison, Wisconsin, I worked at Lake Kegonsa State Park, near Stoughton, Wisconsin, for about a year. Along my commute to the park, I passed a large billboard. The ad was for a car dealership with the name Link in large letters. Years later, when I met my husband Tim, I found out that he was related to the Link family who owned the car dealership. Small world!

More recently, while working on the family tree, I stumbled across this article from the Wisconsin State Farmer dated August 21, 2018. The article features Jim and Linda Link and their family of Cottage Grove/Stoughton Wisconsin. It also mentions Kervyn Link, the former owner of the car dealership in Stoughton and founder of the large Link farms in that area. After reading the article and asking my husband about Kervyn Link, I concluded that he must have been a very interesting individual with lots of stories! Anyway, it’s fun to run across articles about your relatives on the internet, especially when they have accomplished so much!

So, what’s the family connection? Tim’s grandmother Emily Parsch Lange Reinecke was an older sister to Bertha Parsch Link, Kervyn Link’s mother. My mother-in-law, Helen Reinecke Meydam, is a first cousin to Kervyn Link, so Tim is a second cousin to Kervyn Link’s son Jim. Yep – small world.

Here is the “link” to the article (yeah, I’ll bet they never hear that one!).

Photo Credit
Header image by David Mark from Pixabay.